Deep Conditioner
Shampoo wash & deep conditioner. Perfect for hair that needs moisture or protein.
Olaplex Stand Alone
This service is used to repair the broken disulfide bonds in your hair caused by chemical or heat damage. Full step treatment. Haircut & blow-dry may be added separately
Malibu C + Olaplex
This service is for clients who have product build up and/or have used products that contain harmful ingredients. It consists of using our Malibu C line to remove metals and build up, followed by an Olaplex Stand Alone treatment to repair the broken disulfide bonds and finishing with a moisturizing mask to bring your hair back to a healthy stage. Haircut & blow-dry may be added separately.
Shampoo, scalp massage, condition & blow-dry (no hot tools).
Blow-Dry & Down Style
Shampoo, scalp massage, condition, blow-dry & down style with hot tools.
Formal Event Styling
Updo for special occasions & formal event styling. Hair must be clean and detangles. Available for travel to event location, fees will apply.
Hair Toner/Gloss
This service is for guests who would like to tone/refresh their color/blonde in between appointments. Haircut & blow-dry may be added separately.
Base color touch up & complementary blow-dry
New growth color, shampoo, condition & complimentary basic blow-dry (no hot tools) Dark or gray coverage, no bleaching. New growth must not be longer than 1/2 inch.
INOA Base color touch up & complementary blow-dry
Ammonia-free, fragrance-free oil based color. New growth color, shampoo, condition & complimentary basic blow-dry (no hot tools) Dark or gray coverage, no bleaching. New growth must not be longer than 1/2 inch.
Base color touch up + blow-dry & down style
New growth color, shampoo, condition, blow-dry & down style with hot tools. Dark or gray coverage, no bleaching. New growth must not be longer than 1/2 inch.
Single Process
One tone all over color, shampoo, scalp massage, condition. Haircut & style may be added separately.
For extra length/thickness, price will be added accordingly.
Money Piece / Face Framing HL
For the Money Piece we balayage the front strands of your hair to a lighter shade. The results give you a face-framing look that adds dimension and brightness. Haircut & style may be added separately
Partial Highlights
Partial highlights focusing on targeted areas, toner, shampoo, scalp massage & condition + Haircut & Blow-dry may be added separately. For base color or gray coverage add $55+. For extra length/thickness, price will be added accordingly.
Full Highlights
Full head of highlights, toner, shampoo, scalp massage & condition + Haircut & Blow-dry may be added separately. For base color or gray coverage add $55+. For extra length/thickness, price will be added accordingly.
Double Process Blonde
Double process blonding, toner, shampoo, conditioner, haircut, blow-dry & style. Base price is for new growth; first time blonding price varies. Consultation required.
Balayage / Hand Painting
Balayage or free hand painting, includes a toner, root melt, base color or gray coverage. Shampoo, scalp massage, condition, haircut, blow-dry & style.
Price & service duration varies on a case to case basis, consultation is highly recommended.
For extra length/thickness, price will be added accordingly.
Fantasy Colors
This service requires of lightening the hair first, pre-toning, and then adding the colors of your choice. Includes a shampoo, scalp massage & condition, haircut, blow-dry & style.
Price varies depending on the amount and length of hair, as well as number of desired colors. Consultation required.
Magic Sleek - Traditional Straightening
​Innovative hair straightening system that has wash & wear results. A formaldehyde-free product that restores the health of your hair, eliminates frizz and redefines curls. Maintenance products ensure the longevity of the treatment for up to 6 months. Traditional method recommended for thicker, resistant hair.
- Formaldehyde-free
- No harsh chemicals
- Suitable for all hair types
- May color hair the same day (bleach is recommended 2 weeks before or after)
- May swim in the ocean or pool water 10 days after treatment
For thicker or longer hair, price will be added accordingly.
Magic Sleek - Express Straightening
Innovative hair straightening system that has wash & wear results. A formaldehyde-free product that restores the health of your hair, eliminates frizz and redefines curls.
Maintenance products ensure the longevity of the treatment for up to 3 months.
Express method recommended for thinner, finer or fragile hair.
- Formaldehyde-free
- No harsh chemicals
- Suitable for all hair types
- May color hair the same day (bleach is recommended 2 weeks before or after)
- May swim in the ocean or pool water 10 days after treatment
For thicker or longer hair, price will be added accordingly
Curl Perm - Half Head
This Curl Perm service is done on the top half of your hair when the sides are kept short - undercut.
Price varies for longer hair. No haircut.
Curl Perm - Ear Length Hair
Perm rod curls on ear length hair. No haircut
Curl Perm - Over the shoulder length
Curl perm for short-medium bob length hair.
If a haircut is needed it may be added separately.
Curl Perm - Below Shoulder - Mid Back
​Curl perm for mid back length hair. Haircut may be added separately.
Curl Perm - Waist-Hip length
Curl perm for waist-hip length hair.
Relaxer / New Growth
Relaxer retouch of new growth, shampoo, scalp massage, condition & blow-dry. Haircut & hot tools may be added separately.
Relaxer / Full Head
First time relaxer on virgin hair. Shampoo, scalp massage, condition & blow-dry only. Haircut & hot tools may be added separately. Price varies depending on the length and amount of hair.
Side Braids
One sided braids. Hair must be clean and detangled.
Two Dutch Braids
Two dutch braids with your own hair. Hair must be clean and detangled.
Four Dutch Braids
Four dutch braids with your own hair. Hair must be clean and detangled.
Two Dutch Braids with hair added
Two dutch braids with hair added, hair is included. Hair must be clean and detangled.
Four Dutch Braids with hair added
Four dutch braids with hair added, hair is included. Hair must be clean and detangled.
Top Braids / Varied Styles
This service is for braiding on the top area only where the sides and back are short. Prices vary on style and hair.
Hair must be clean and detangled.
Festival Braids
These intricate braid styles are often used for festivals and special occasions. Hair of any color choice is included. Hair must be clean and detangled. Price varies on style. For accurate pricing, consultation is required.
Hair Extensions
Certified in Tape-in Hair Extensions using Premium human hair. Hair may be re-used for up to four times. Must come in for a consultation before booking.
Extension removal
Tape-in Extension Removal + shampoo. Blow-dry may be added separately.
Tape-ins Re-install
Times may vary per case, price is $150/hour. Appointment consists of shampooing your hair, replacing the tape tabs, installing and haircutting to fit your extensions properly. Any questions please call us.